Monday, July 6, 2009

at rainbows end


i keep my weight under lock and key,
safe guarding each precious ounce. within every pound
a trapped poem resides.

the logos, in a holding pattern.
like the garden, saturated by twenty days of rain.
demanding the suns warmth to liberate the petals; the chrysalis of buds.

two red lilies in an ocean of orange
unseen ready to take flight.
a pea lost in a sea of tendrils
holding on as the siren speaks for truth.

we are at the half way marker without an ark.


box is damaged, but i don't care

sing with me skipping stones among the flood.

having to choose between watching bats and fireflies is a fine quandary;
as is finding oneself stuck in the same spot following the moon
across the darkness. still as sleep,with open eyes watching
the tremble of flora shooting up. forever up.

everything is new again;
the keeper is on holiday.

is told by the rivers reflection upon the trees.
trapped by walls the jumping mimics the big-bang
and Atlas holds holds my burden. Love.

sleeps later than most days, hiding soft lips and acrid kisses.
the wind decides our placement in the pile of embraces, leaves, and memory.
under the weight of children, pressed like the last seasons flower
believing in life, as giggles become rain.

tames the night in the garden. revealing its beauty only when the fireflies sting
the greenery like holiday lights. the moon hangs in a gallery of stars
framed by branches as the chorus of bats falsettos rise swoop like lovers
knotted in sheets.

the mortar of mud trying to swallow toes,
turning lustful maids into flowers.
first with petals erect, showing their wares to the sun.
dropping petticoats, yet always baring chests to showers
at sunset and rainbows.

she tendrils up a mulberry tree on the road to redemption.
her leaves eat only the fruit of life's pie. breathing rain
like fire, due west.
ready to come again into the layers and secrets.

back to the garden to find fate and destiny holding hands,
shielded behind a peacock fan in a bed of asphodel.

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